Seventh Chakra Mudra

Gesture of reverence for invoking Diving union

The seventh chakra, Sahasrara, is known as the thousand-petaled lotus blooming at the top of the head. This energy center engages our connection to spirit and a sense of universal consciousness, wisdom and divine intelligence. It is the means through which we find meaning and purpose in our lives. It is the place of complete presence, where we are able to experience each moment as a new beginning.

The Crown Chakra is associated with the color of violet or pure white. It is closely linked with the brain, nervous system and pituitary gland.

It is said that when we are in a state of balance with the Crown Chakra, we experience an increased self awareness, open mindedness, feeling relaxed and at peace in our own bodies, and a deeper connection to spiritual energy. And signs of imbalance may include feeling more apathetic, confused or disconnected from ourselves and the world around us.

Balancing the Crown Chakra can help us to feel more at ease and mentally able to ground ourselves in the world around us, creating a sense of relaxation and clear headedness.

Practices that help to awaken and bring balance to the 7th chakra include: meditation (with a special focus of drawing our senses inwards), legs up the wall, seated forward bend, reclining butterfly, getting adequate sleep, and mudra mediation.

Anjali Mudra (Crown Chakra): This mudra invites a sense of harmony, balance, silence and peace, it calms our thoughts and creates clarity of the mind.. This gesture activates and harmonizes the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Anjali means “reverence” and refers to honoring the divinity within ourselves and all beings. Use this gesture when you have a request of the Divine, heart’s desire that you would like to have fulfilled. Allow yourself to be immersed in the peace and joy of the Divine.

❤ Press the palms lightly together in front of the chest with the fingers pointing upward.
❤ Leave a little hollow space between the palms.
❤ The outer edge of the thumbs may rest against the sternum or be held slightly away from the body.
❤ Relax the shoulders back and down and allow the spine to naturally lengthen.
❤ Affirm for yourself: "I am Divinely inspired and connected"

Heather Till