Bounce 4 Health
Mini-Trampoline Fitness
“You Can’t Bounce and Be in a Bad Mood”
photo credit: Terah Hoobler, Wilma Magazine
It all started when…
the world shut down during the pandemic and I, like so many others, found myself not moving my body as much as I used to and feeling very lethargic, achey, and grumpy. As a life-long movement lover I began searching out new and fun ways to exercise that would also give me the “biggest bang for my buck” (10 minutes of rebounding has been shown to be equivalent to 30 minutes running and is much kinder to the joints). I quickly fell in love with rebounding and discovered how beneficial it was to my mental health (and mid-life body) as well. I felt more energized, stronger, my balance improved dramatically and I was in a much better mood. And I felt like I was reconnecting with my inner child - giggling and having a blast. That checks all the boxes for me! I got my certification with Bellicon and began teaching Bounce 4 Health!
So What is Bouncing?
Bouncing (also called Rebounding or Mini-Trampoline fitness) is a type of exercise that is done while bouncing on a mini trampoline. The aerobic exercise mixes in movements that are fast or slow. This is a very different concept than your backyard trampoline. The movements are controlled, and the focus is on pushing down into the pliable mat versus jumping as high as you can. Rebounding can be done very gently with minimal bouncing involved or very athletically with higher-intensity bouncing. The mat is an unstable surface that creates a unique experience for strengthening the core, hip and leg muscles simply by standing on it. You can imagine how this also helps to improve balance and stability. Bouncing or jumping on the pliable mat is also much easier on the joints than being on the hard ground.
What are the Benefits?
Studies have shown:
improved cardiovascular health
improved balance and coordination
increased mobility and muscle & core strength
boosts to the lymphatic and immune system
improved bone strength
supports pelvic floor health
reduced anxiety and depression
and an increase in oxygen intake
Have a rebounder? Check out my YouTube Bounce Class Playlist
Did you see my feature article, Bouncing for Health, in Wilma Mag?